"The Stoner"

Zed, otherwise known as Zacarias Garcia Ramirez, is one of the main protagonists and the main focus in 'The Cool Guys Club'. They are a 19 year old college student who's majoring in Engineering. He is a calm, clutzy, and air-headed individual, but don't underestimate him, cuz' he can make some killer machines.

They were raised by his grandfather for majority of their life. Everything was pretty normal until he graduated from highschool, a few hours after that, his grandfather passed away, leaving him all by himself. He had to fight the world alone at 17, but with his determination, easy-going attitude, and positive outlook on life, he was able to accomplish alot.

Although having no family members left to rely on, his best friend Rick, whom they were friends with ever since middle school, stood by his side ever since. The two are inseparable, even when they argue or fight. Rick has been the best thing that ever happened to Zed.

One day, after failing an important exam due to lack of tutors and help from staff, he decided to start up a club with his friends, aiming to be a support group for students ran by students. Little did he know his club would eventually become an offical club after word of it reached the Chancellor.

Things are looking up for him, but he doesn't know that eventually him and his friends will have to face their rivals, from the good to the bad, and the worst of the worst. They aren't afrid though, as long as they have their friends, they aren't afraid.

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